Nikhil Sharma

Hi! I am Nikhil and I am always happy to see you here.
Know more about me here.

Crossover for work : After a few weeks

Crossover for work : After a few weeks

I wrote a while ago, about the process of getting into crossover for work.  In this post I will share with you how it went after I got into the “Crossover Marketplace”. 1st Week In the very first week itself a webinar was held, so as to assist and clarify questions that many of the freelancers on the platform might… Read more →

IDE vs Text Editor : Benefits of using an IDE like NetBeans

IDE vs Text Editor : Benefits of using an IDE like NetBeans

I always wanted to write this up after noticing numerous people struggling to work on enterprise level applications in a terminal or in a simple Text Editor. Although nowadays the text editor scene has changed a lot with them getting advanced as the likes of Sublime, Atom or Brackets, and these are pluggable as well, so community is working to… Read more →