Better Life

Finding inspiration from the novice and not the master

Finding inspiration from the novice and not the master

Many of us have talents that we would want to showcase, but there might be hesitation and fear.The question “Am I really that good?” might haunt you before you decide to go public with your talent.When I say go public it might be anything. It can be, what I am doing right now – writing a blog. You might be… Read more →

In the 'race of life' you are destined to ‘win’ provided you are willing to run.

In the ‘race of life’ you are destined to ‘win’ provided you are willing to run.

We are not talking about races and how competitive life is. The title is just fancy way of saying,  that if you really want to see yourself doing/achieving something, you first have to start. “Well begun is half done”, is something that most of us would have read or heard at some part of our life(if not, this is the… Read more →

'Choices' - yours are better :)

‘Choices’ – yours are better :)

Every moment you make choices. People say that you made a wrong or a right choice. Although right and wrong are not absolute and only later in time you get to know if something worked or it didn’t. I fondly remember – Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths – where they had this concept which was really mind bending. Every time… Read more →

Lessons by the great teacher called life.

This post is a summary of all the life lessons that I have had in life, it will keep evolving as I keep on adding posts detailing the story behind each of the lesson. Each of the lesson is accompanied by a story. Story which tells how I learnt a particular lesson. These stories might be very simple or even… Read more →

It's never “too late” - Never say Never.

It’s never “too late” – Never say Never.

Feel like giving up? Ok, just take the small next step. This post is part of a larger post and will tell a small life story that taught me a lesson. There are a couple of stories behind this lesson. The 8-ball pool. Quick summary of 8 ball pool : Two players, each pots only their target balls(solids or stripes),… Read more →


Value of a team

You might have heard and read a lot about the value of team, but some things you only understand when you experience it. I had been very competitive in my childhood and always thought I should be the hero of the victory. The master of the situation and winner of all games. But this is hardly ever the case in… Read more →